
Huge Unknown World
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Are the red balls in the night sky patrol probes from other planets or an unknown plasmoid life form? LogoArrow The first time I encountered this amazing and clearly not natural phenomenon about ten years ago.

The appearance of an energy sphere directly above
a low-rise neighborhood

Leaving home early in the evening at about six o'clock and getting on my bike, I headed out of courtyard towards the street passing by. Looking in its direction, I was very surprised. Right above the avenue passing across it, at a height of about a hundred meters, hung a red, dimly glowing ball. It was slowly moving towards me, which was clearly visible even at a distance of 300-400 meters separated me from him. Carefully watching this object and practically not taking my eyes off it, I slowly drove towards it.

After about half a minute it suddenly went out and disappeared from view. It seemed that this was the desire of a small but clearly visible UFO, which is commonly called an energy sphere, to show itself was exhausted. However, after only a couple of dozen seconds, this entity lit up again almost in the same place, having shifted by about fifty meters. The crimson ball seemed to demonstrate that it had not gone anywhere and was ready to show itself again in all its glory, as well as its anomalous properties according to earthly concepts of physical properties and abilities.

Movement in formation and identical maneuvering

In other words, it disappeared into nowhere and lit up out of nowhere. Having disappeared from sight, it disappeared along with its physical carrier, if it had one at all. And when it reappeared, the ball appeared as if from nothingness, as if it had jumped into space from another dimension. Having delighted with its smooth, leisurely flight for about twenty meters, the ball went out again, this time disappearing irrevocably.

Sometimes the fiery celestial guests descend almost to the ground,
allowing themselves to be examined from a short distance and without showing aggression

My next significant encounter with this mysterious phenomenon occurred around there same time, when I was walking near my house. It was very late in the evening, around midnight. Standing near the transformer box, I looked up and was stunned. At a height of about 400 meters, two brightly glowing red balls were smoothly approaching it. They moved completely silently, without rotating, without oscillating, and without making any jerks. It seemed as if they knew exactly where to fly and were strictly following the set plan.

Red Balls in the Night Sky-1Red Balls in the Night Sky-2Red Balls in the Night Sky-3Red Balls in the Night Sky-4

Without even trying to hide their presence, which at such a late hour was hardly noticeable to anyone, they flew in an even formation, one after another, slowly to the place where I was standing. After that, the first ball smoothly turned to the right about thirty degrees and continued its way somewhere towards the roadway. The second ball exactly repeated this maneuver at the same point, which, of course, could not help but cause surprise.

Obviously reasonable behavior

If these were natural plasmoids like ball lightning, they would probably move without any coordination, but obeying high-altitude air currents, some internal electrical processes and the desire to discharge through a tree, ground through a boiler pipe, and finally, simply explode. However, neither the tall poplars nor the huge iron boiler pipe three or four times the height of five-story buildings attracted the attention of the energy spheres at all. They hovered high above the trees and the school building, after which they turned again somewhere into the void.

The celestial balls made news after appearing over the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian archipelago

The fact that the second red ball made exactly the same turn in the same place and also continued on its way following the first one, allows us to assert that these were objects controlled and directed by an unknown mind. Just as slowly, the balls gradually disappeared from view behind the tall poplars, and surely random late passers-by or people who went out for a walk before going to bed could follow the further trajectory of these midnight guests from another world.

I saw such a ball again, again late in the evening, about ten, again walking near the house. This time the red energy sphere flew quite close, slowly rising diagonally towards the five-story building. It clearly saw that this obstacle had arisen in its path, and calmly overcame it at an angle of forty degrees, intending to jump over the five-story building right above the roof.

Plasma orb arrived to watch the New Year's fireworks

This ball was quite large, up to half a meter in diameter, emitted a bright red glow, did not shower sparks, did not hiss, did not rush from side to side. It flew strictly in a straight line and, as if sensing my presence, even seemed to be trying to explain its maneuver. "Look, I have to rise a little, so you can take a good look at me during this time," it seemed to be saying, perfectly understanding that I could see it perfectly well. This entire meeting lasted about ten seconds, and, having soared above the roof, the sphere immediately disappeared behind it.

Red orbs tend to go out quickly and without a trace,
and then light up again in almost the same place

Unknown red energy entities appeared more than once, and always closer to midnight. Once an object of this type paid a visit to a residential area on New Year's Eve, as if to study the fireworks and find out the reasons for the unusually active population at such a late hour. The "New Year's" orb flew by briefly, then hovered, and its appearance was confirmed by another observer who also went out onto the balcony during the holiday. He assumed that it was a drone, but no drone glows with its entire fuselage, and not so brightly. In addition to everything, it cannot move completely silently, suddenly hover in place and then rush on without even moving or swaying.

Almost all the energy spheres I saw were red, one was orange, and one, hovering high in the sky, was bright yellow. All of them, without exception, appeared in a completely clear evening or night sky, when there were no signs of thunderstorms or even small clouds. Apparently, these objects prefer to fly under a completely cloudless sky, as if navigating by the stars and therefore constantly needing their one hundred percent presence in the black sky.

"Galactic Patrols" in the Vicinity of Rio de Janeiro

It turned out that I was, to put it mildly, not the only witness to the appearance of mysterious red balls. The question of their nature was quickly found on a popular aggregator of everyday knowledge and wisdom, where several commentators willing to give answers willingly and confidently explained that it was nothing more than a "galapatrol". Simply put, some unknown force sends its probes here from the Milky Way galaxy so that they can conduct reconnaissance of the area and transmit the collected information to the "Center". A certain commentator even claimed that in her area, luminous balls appear at exactly the same time, right down to the minute, which allowed her to monitor them regularly.

It turns out that the "galactic patrol" balls can appear even during the day,
without hiding at all from numerous observers.
Perhaps this is explained by the execution of some urgent reconnaissance missions

Even more surprising was YouTube, which turned out to be practically clogged with videos of these balls, filmed in different countries both from the ground and through the window of a high-rise building. The "red orbs", as foreigners called them, behaved on video exactly the same as those I saw. They appeared one by one and in groups, moved or hovered, hovered always silently, and did not even think about grounding themselves through poles and wires like ball lightning. In contrast, the orbs would suddenly go out and light up again, perform strange dances, and clearly demonstrate the intelligence and awareness of their maneuvers.

Not long ago, they moved from occasional appearances, disappearances, light dances, and hovers to active group actions. On May 12, 2020, a whole group of unidentified flying objects appeared over the Brazilian town of Rais da Serra, about fifty kilometers from Rio de Janeiro, very similar to those I had seen. The visit took place, as usual, late in the evening - perhaps specifically so that the glow of the orbs would produce a more impressive effect. This time there were about a dozen of them, and they clearly attracted the attention of the public, blinking intensely. The Brazilians were quick to respond and turned on their smartphone video cameras.

Rocket fire from the ground and geometric reorganizations of orbs in the night sky

The appearance of "galactic patrols" over a Brazilian city in mid-May 2020 caused quite a stir there

After midnight, some of the objects stopped blinking. When one of the orbs captured on camera is enlarged on a computer display, its concentric structure, formed by a wide ring and a circle framed by it, is clearly visible. Between these two figures there is a seemingly transparent gap through which connecting jumpers pass. Early in the morning of the next day, part of the flotilla began to hover over the city, with the orbs sometimes going out, then lighting up again. At the same time, most of the balloons hung motionless over the hill.

It is not surprising that on the morning of May 13, residents were told through civil defense loudspeakers not to leave their homes. Soon, fire was opened on the celestial guests from the ground. The video clearly shows how surface-to-air missiles are launched in the direction of the balloons. The objects began to bustle about and began to intensively reorganize. Bangs and explosions are heard and the cries of excited citizens are heard. Then, dozens of helicopters and a military propeller plane - most likely a reconnaissance type - rushed towards the scene of the events. The Internet and cellular communications were disconnected in the city. At night, the rocket attack resumed, and one balloon was shot down. Having emitted a host of sparks, it very smoothly descended and fell somewhere on a hill behind the local hospital.

After that, two dozen orbs staged a real demonstration in the city's night sky. Gathered above the hill behind the hospital, they demonstratively lined up in a vertical line, a zigzag, a six-pointed star and a circle. Like the balls I had encountered, the Brazilian aliens faded out right in motion, followed one another, were in no hurry to disappear from the sky and seemed to engage in a silent conversation with the observers: "This is what we are like - look how we can maneuver, we are definitely not drones and other stupid, feeble flying contraptions like Chinese lanterns, for which you stubbornly try to pass us off."

Judging by the video from Brazil, the geometric reorganizations of the red balls were accompanied by the loud roar of police sirens. Perhaps the panic was caused by concerns that the orbs had decided to send vengeance for their brother shot down by the army. One of the witnesses of this space invasion managed to photograph the downed object before the military cordoned off the crash site. It turned out to be some kind of spherical flying machine. There were no propellers or wings on its body. It is quite difficult to judge the size of the alien drone, since there is practically nothing to compare it with in the photograph.

Not so much a ball as a cube with convex edges

So, the Brazilian glowing drone, apparently, turned out to be a sphere. However, those orbs that could be found on YouTube earlier, up close, looked more like cubic structures. Not long ago, such flying objects decided to "get to know each other better" and therefore hovered in close proximity to people who showed a natural interest in them. As a result, a video appeared on YouTube where a man cheerfully plays with this red entity, waving his hand over it, and it hovers near the ground, slightly rising and falling following the movements of the "new friend".

Apparently, the red balls are able to noticeably change
their temperature depending on the current tasks.
It seems that an unknown source of energy allows them to heat up quickly and strongly

At the same time, the man and his friends, The people filming the video fearlessly and joyfully exchanged their impressions, clearly enjoying communicating with this phenomenon. The footage taken almost right next to the orb showed that in reality it was not so much a sphere as a cube with convex rounded edges. The corners of the cube were also clearly visible, where its sides protruding in smooth arcs were connected.

Alas, after some time this video was most likely deleted, since today it is no longer possible to find it. A short search of information on the Internet showed that these orbs in France are called death balls, since after they appear near someone's house, someone living in it often dies or is killed. Discussion of these balls in the English-language subgroup of Discus "Mad Mad World" allowed us to learn that in the USA mysterious orbs sometimes descend to sinful earth and kill homeless people living on the streets, physically attacking them and burning their insides with their heat.

Instant response to human aggression

There were also stories that after someone tried to shoot an orb with a gun, several balls abruptly changed their plans about harmless dancing in the sky. They all descended to the road where the shooter's car was parked, and, accelerating to two hundred miles per hour, burst into it and immediately incinerated it, after which they went home. In connection with this observation, a comment was given, from which it followed that the shooter got off very lightly, since these entities could easily burn him along with the car.

The plasmoid ball lightning created by a thunderstorm behaves completely differently
than the "galactic patrol", and its lifespan is incomparably shorter

The visit of the death balls ended much worse for one quite a healthy and far from old Frenchman. The orbs appeared near his house, circled there and flew away, which did not bother those who saw them at all. After all, no one lived in that house for whom there was a real danger of imminent death. However, right on the same or the next day, a misfortune happened to the young owner of the house when he was riding either in a carriage or on horseback. After falling to the ground at full speed, he broke his limbs, received other serious injuries and quickly died.

All of the listed stories allow us to conclude that jokes with mysterious "galactic patrols", "alien probes", "death balls", "space inspectors" and "heavenly scouts" can end very badly. That is why, when meeting them, you should not throw stones at them, and especially do not shoot at them with a gun. Most often, they fly along their own path calmly, allow themselves to be filmed on camera, and do not even deviate from the trajectory known only to them. You should also not invite them to play, as in that remote video, because the "mood" and intentions of these phenomena, apparently, can change quickly and unpredictably.

It is better to leave the death balls alone

Let them continue to fly about their unknown business, go out and light up, blink and rebuild. Perhaps the commentator on the "Brazilian" video is right, who explains in a changed voice that these are just drones of an extraterrestrial civilization that is millions of years ahead of humanity in its development. They really do look like smart robots sent to conduct reconnaissance.

This means that their creators and owners simply do not want to enter into any contact with people, but prefer to watch them from afar. And if suddenly the elder brothers in intelligence decide that the "ants"-earthlings have crawled out of the Stone Age, then they themselves will come here to get acquainted and establish diplomatic relations between planets, dimensions, parallel worlds or universes. LogoArrow

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